Analysis of Sleep in Mammalian Species
Catherine Rauch
The data set used in this report includes brain weight (g) and body weight (kg), life span (years),
gestation time (days), time sleeping (hrs/day), time dreaming (non slow wave sleep in hrs/day)
and predation and danger indices (1 as the minimum and 5 as the maximum) for 62 species of
mammals. This data file was obtained from Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of
Statistics website. Note that the variable, Index is a summation of 3 other indices: Danger
Index, Predation Index and Exposure Index, all which take values 1-5 such that Index takes a
value 3 15. The first goal was to predict the time spent sleeping from these variables. A
model was found using stepwise regression and it was concluded that TotalSleep can be
predicted by BodyWt, Gestation and Index. After this had been determined, a relationship
between time spent sleeping and time spent dreaming was explored and found to be linear.
This linear fit was used to make a prediction about how many hours a day a mammal who
sleeps 8 hours total will dream. The 95% prediction interval was 2.63 hours to 4.67 hours. From
there the question was poised, what predictor variables were significant in determining time
spent dreaming? The best fit predictors were pulled from a model best fit using AIC, these
included TotalSleep, BodyWt, Gestation, and Index.
Questions of Interest
1. Can a mammals hours of sleep be predicted by body/brain weight, life span, gestation,
predation, and exposure?
2. Is there an association between mammalian dreaming time and total sleep, and if so,
what is the expected dreaming time of a mammal that sleeps 8 hours a day?
3. What predictor variables for response variable time spent dreaming would be in the
best fit model?
Regression Method
The summary function and a scatterplot matrix will be computed to draw preliminary
observations about the data and the relationship between variables. The data will be
checked for n/a’s and other conditions that may require a transformation.
To answer question 1, step wise regression will be preformed. After determining which
variables are of importance, the best fit model will be fit, outliers will be flagged and
removed if necessary. LINE assumptions will be checked through graphs and statistic tests
available through Rstudio packages before a final model is proposed.
To answer question 2, a model will be fit between the two variables. The null hypothesis,
the variable total sleep is not significant to time spend dreaming will be tested. If a
relationship is found, a 95% prediction interval will be computed.
To answer question 3, stepwise regression will be preformed and the best fit model chosen
using AIC. Any outliers or leverage points will be determined from internally studentized
residuals and the model will be adjusted. This adjusted model will be checked for LINE
assumptions by graphing, including residuals vs fit, Q-Q plots, and histograms.
Regression Analysis, Results and Interpretation
The data was first examined using the summary function. A total of 38 N/A values were
found, these were removed. The variance within each of the variables was high; so a log
was applied to the whole dataset to stabilize this. This was possible because all variables of
interest were positive and the data ranged over several orders of magnitude for example
body weight ranged from 2lbs to 7000lbs.
The variables of interest were TotalSleep, Time spent Dreaming, Brain Weight, Life Span,
Gestation time, Body Weight and Index. A pair graph was drawn to view initial
It can be seen there exists a few positive linear relationships, such as between total sleep
and dreaming, lifespan and brain weight, and bodyweight and brain weight. A few negative
loosely linear relationships exist as well, such as between dreaming and index, brain
weight and total sleep and gestation and dreaming.
To answer question one, stepwise regression was preformed, starting with a model
containing all variables and using an alpha value of .05 to add a predictor. Step by step, the
smallest p-value, given it was below .05, was added to the model and then the rest were
retested to determine if they were significant. The best fit model computed had BodyWt ,
Gestation and Index, as predictors with p-values reported as 0.02746, 0.02879, 0.00152
respectively. All other potential predictors were excluded as their p-values on the last step
were greater than significance level .05.
The model was then checked for leverage points. A value of 2p/n was used as a cut-off to
identify any observations with leverage. n here is the number of data points = 42. p is
number of parameters including the intercept = 4. One data point was flagged as having
high leverage. The analysis then continued with 2 models, one containing the data point
and one without to determine if it exhibited high influence over the estimated regression
Below on the left are the residual graphs of model 1 that does not have the leverage point
and on the right model 2 with the point.
The plots of the residual values against the fitted values were observed to determine if the
models met the linearity and equal variance assumptions. The plots appear to be random
which suggests that the assumption that the relationship is linear is reasonable. As the
residuals roughly form a band around the 0 line, this suggests that the variances of the
error terms are equal. It can be concluded the assumptions are met in both models.
A Shapiro-Wilk Test was conducted on both sets of residuals. This is a test for normality of
residuals with null hypothesis residuals are normal. For model 1, the p-value was reported
as 0.4641. For model 2, p-value recorded was 0.4896. Since both are larger than .05, it can
be concluded there is not sufficient evidence to reject the null and so the residuals are
normal. The graphs indicate there are small outliers present but not large enough to totally
disrupt normality. Therefore, we will conclude the normality assumption is met.
It was determined that while the point exhibited high leverage it did not exhibit high
influence and so did not affect the predicted responses, estimated slope coefficients, and
hypothesis test results. The high leverage point was included in the final model. We can
then conclude TotalSleep can be predicted by BodyWt with a slope of -.0524 kgs, Gestation
with a slope of -0.14937 days, and Index with a slope of -0.3357.
To answer question two, a simple linear model was fit using the lm() function in Rstudio
between Dreaming and TotalSleep. The p-value reported by the summary tables was very
small (3.82e-08 ). From this there is enough evidence to reject the null (the slope of total
sleep is 0, ie non significant) and conclude that there is a linear association between the
mammalian dreaming time and the total time spent sleeping. Then the predict() function in
Rstudio was used to obtain a point estimate and a 95% prediction interval on our
previously fitted model between Dreaming and TotalSleep. We can be 95% confident that
the time spent dreaming for a mammal that slept 8 hours will be between 2.63 hours and
4.67 hours.
To answer question 4, stepwise regression was used. And the best fit model was
determined using AIC. This model included TotalSleep, BodyWt , LifeSpan, and Index.
The residual graphs indicated the model had an outlier.
Using the Rstudio function rstandard() the internally studentized residuals were computed
to find the outlier. The 11
point had a value of -3.296452137. This value was removed; the
model refit and residuals were graphed again. From the graphs below, we can conclude
normality is now met.
Our final model includes as predictors the variables, TotalSleep, BodyWt , LifeSpan, and
Index, with p-values reported as 9.34e-06, 0.000298, 0.000733, 0.003901 respectively.
These p-values indicate that their slopes are significant in predicting time spent dreaming.
A mammal’s total time spent sleeping was able to be predicted by BodyWt, Gestation, and
Index. The slopes of these variables were all negative which indicates that the higher the
body weight, gestation time and index the lower the total hours of sleep a mammal gets. An
association between time spent dreaming and total sleep was found to be fit with a linear
model. The slope of total sleep was found to be large enough to be significant, as well as
positive, which indicates that as total sleep increases so does time spent dreaming. From
this model, it was determined that a mammal that sleeps a total of 8 hours a day, the
predicted time spent dreaming is between 2.63 hours and 4.67 hours. A more complex
model was fitted to determine what variables were significant in determining total time
spent dreaming. The variables that were included in the final model were, TotalSleep,
BodyWt , LifeSpan, and Index.
It makes sense that the model found body weight to be significant in determining total time
spent sleeping because smaller animals have a higher metabolic rate and higher body and
brain temperatures compared to larger animals. This means those that are smaller need
more sleep. As seen in our data set, an African Elephant sleeps 3 hours a day while a rat
sleep 13 hours a day. As well as, for index, the more danger a mammal is in, the higher the
predation index, so the less sleep they would get as sleep often makes an animal more
vulnerable. More vulnerability means easier to hunt or attack by other animals. Our
findings were specific to mammals; our models likely wouldn’t be very effective in
predicting the time spent dreaming of other animal families like reptiles.
# import data file into R
Data <- read.csv("mammalsleeping.csv")
Data <- subset(Data,select = -c(Species))
## BodyWt BrainWt NonDreaming Dreaming
## Min. : 0.005 Min. : 0.14 Min. : 2.100 Min. :0.000
## 1st Qu.: 0.600 1st Qu.: 4.25 1st Qu.: 6.250 1st Qu.:0.900
## Median : 3.342 Median : 17.25 Median : 8.350 Median :1.800
## Mean : 198.790 Mean : 283.13 Mean : 8.673 Mean :1.972
## 3rd Qu.: 48.203 3rd Qu.: 166.00 3rd Qu.:11.000 3rd Qu.:2.550
## Max. :6654.000 Max. :5712.00 Max. :17.900 Max. :6.600
## NA's :14 NA's :12
## TotalSleep LifeSpan Gestation Index
## Min. : 2.60 Min. : 2.000 Min. : 12.00 Min. : 3.000
## 1st Qu.: 8.05 1st Qu.: 6.625 1st Qu.: 35.75 1st Qu.: 4.250
## Median :10.45 Median : 15.100 Median : 79.00 Median : 6.500
## Mean :10.53 Mean : 19.878 Mean :142.35 Mean : 7.903
## 3rd Qu.:13.20 3rd Qu.: 27.750 3rd Qu.:207.50 3rd Qu.:12.000
## Max. :19.90 Max. :100.000 Max. :645.00 Max. :15.000
## NA's :4 NA's :4 NA's :4
Data <- na.omit(Data)
Data = log(Data)
Data <- subset(Data,select = -c(NonDreaming, Dreaming))
mod0 = lm(TotalSleep ~1 , data = Data)
add1(mod0, ~.+BrainWt + LifeSpan + Gestation + BodyWt + Index, data = Data,
test = 'F')
mod1 = lm(TotalSleep ~ BodyWt, data = Data)
add1(mod1, ~.+ Gestation + LifeSpan + BrainWt + Index, data = Data, test =
mod2 = lm(TotalSleep ~ BodyWt + Index, data = Data)
add1(mod2, ~.+ LifeSpan + Gestation + BrainWt, test = 'F')
mod3 = lm(TotalSleep ~ BodyWt + Gestation + Index, data = Data)
add1(mod3, ~.+ LifeSpan + BrainWt, test = 'F')
mod.final = mod3
## Call:
## lm(formula = TotalSleep ~ BodyWt + Gestation + Index, data = Data)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -0.68526 -0.25015 -0.00442 0.22299 0.52962
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 3.60424 0.31762 11.348 9.08e-14 ***
## BodyWt -0.05254 0.02291 -2.293 0.02746 *
## Gestation -0.14937 0.06573 -2.273 0.02879 *
## Index -0.33547 0.09816 -3.418 0.00152 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.3138 on 38 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.6321, Adjusted R-squared: 0.603
## F-statistic: 21.76 on 3 and 38 DF, p-value: 2.273e-08
p = 4
n = 42
point = p/n
abs(hatvalues(mod.final)) > 2 * point # check for leverage points
update.Data <- Data[-c(42),]
mod4 = lm(TotalSleep ~ BodyWt + Index + Gestation, data = update.Data)
add1(mod4, ~.+ LifeSpan + BrainWt, data = update.Data ,test = 'F')
res = residuals(mod4)
fit = fitted(mod4)
plot(fit, res, xlab = 'Fitted Y= Total Sleep Hours', ylab = 'Residuals')
shapiro.test(res) # test for normality
res2 = residuals(mod.final)
fit2 = fitted(mod.final)
plot(fit2, res2, xlab = 'Fitted Y= Total Sleep Hours', ylab = 'Residuals')
shapiro.test(res2) # test for normality
summary(lm(Dreaming ~ TotalSleep, data = Data))
fit = lm(Dreaming ~ TotalSleep, data = Data)
new = data.frame(TotalSleep = 8)
predict(fit, new, interval = "prediction", level = .95)
Data <- read.csv(mammalsleeping.csv")
Data <- subset(Data,select = -c(Species, NonDreaming))
Data <- na.omit(Data)
model0 = lm(Dreaming ~ 1, data = Data)
model.all = lm(Dreaming ~., data = Data)
step(model0, scope = list(lower = model0, upper = model.all))
mod.AIC = lm(Dreaming ~ TotalSleep + BodyWt + LifeSpan + Index, data =
## Call:
## lm(formula = Dreaming ~ TotalSleep + BodyWt + LifeSpan + Index,
## data = Data)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -0.76670 -0.16257 -0.00766 0.16511 0.61531
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.76161 0.48831 1.560 0.127585
## TotalSleep 0.46277 0.08977 5.155 9.34e-06 ***
## BodyWt 0.05082 0.01269 4.004 0.000298 ***
## LifeSpan -0.11450 0.03101 -3.692 0.000733 ***
## Index -0.25736 0.08343 -3.085 0.003901 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.2891 on 36 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.6969, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6632
## F-statistic: 20.69 on 4 and 36 DF, p-value: 6.31e-09
res = residuals(mod.AIC)
fit = fitted(mod.AIC)
plot(fit, res, xlab = 'Fitted Y= Time Spent Dreaming', ylab = 'Residuals')
shapiro.test(res) # test for normality looks great
rstudent(mod.AIC) # outlier is 16
mod.AIC = lm(Dreaming ~ TotalSleep + BodyWt + LifeSpan + Index, data =
res = residuals(mod.AIC)
fit = fitted(mod.AIC)
plot(fit, res, xlab = 'Fitted Y= Time Spent Dreaming', ylab = 'Residuals')
shapiro.test(res) # test for normality