Previous Work

Creating a FIM with Flood Data from Mission Creek

  • Estimated the number of buildings impacted in the 2017 Santa Barbara flood

  • This terrain data was prepped for analysis by aligning object and field data

  • Data was loaded into R using Web APIs and the whitebox frontend was used to create a partial Flood Inudation Map (FIM) with structural damage assessment

Examination and Visualization of 2016 Palo, Iowa Flood Data

  • Created multiband raster files to detect/analyze a flood event

  • Raster manipulation was used to threshold and classify data to be analyzed

  • Flood data from 2016 Palo, Iowa was graphed and examined

Impact of the MAUP on National Dam Inventory data

  • Examined the impacts of different tessellated surfaces and the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP)

  • Point-in-polygon counts were calculated to aggregate point data and visualize the distribution of dams over the US

  • Functions were written to more efficiently report and map information

Exploration of US city data

  • Explored working with sf, sfc, and sfg features & objects

  • Coordinate transformations and calculations were made to visualize distances between cities and borders

  • Ggplot, gghighlight, and ggrepel were used to create graphics that are clear and interesting

Analysis of COVID-19 data

  • Data wrangling and visualization with real-time COVID-19 data

  • It includes an in-depth look at daily new case data as well as cumulative data at State and County levels

  • Pipes and other tidyverse tools were used to manipulate data and present it as legible tables and plots